Month: September 2011

Is America succumbing to the “Crab Theory”?

Is America succumbing to the “Crab Theory”? Are you familiar with the Crab Theory? It’s the idea that, if you put a single crab in a bucket, he will successfully escape. However, if you put many crabs in that same bucket, any one that tried to escape will be pulled back down by the others …

Is America succumbing to the “Crab Theory”? Read More »

As I had predicted- Groupon is Fudging the numbers

I had stated many months back that I really felt the Groupon numbers were over inflated. Well, they just restated to the amount of $400 Million—LESS! For those of you not familiar with Groupon, they are a Chicago based company that provides Group Coupons around a hot new space of “daily deals”. What Groupon (as …

As I had predicted- Groupon is Fudging the numbers Read More »

As I had predicted- Groupon is Fudging the numbers

I had stated many months back that I really felt the Groupon numbers were over inflated. Well, they just restated to the amount of $400 Million—LESS! For those of you not familiar with Groupon, they are a Chicago based company that provides Group Coupons around a hot new space of “daily deals”. What Groupon (as …

As I had predicted- Groupon is Fudging the numbers Read More »

Awareness builds Apathy; Action brings Achievement

I’m consistently more frustrated with the numerous organizations who state their goal is to “raise awareness” around an issue. I can realize there are many great causes the need a light shone on them. However, when does the point of awareness lead to apathy? There are many issues I am now aware of. This is …

Awareness builds Apathy; Action brings Achievement Read More »