Technology is getting crazy. Check out t
Technology is getting crazy. Check out this virtual screen. What could you do with it? Apps? Programs? Super Cool!
Technology is getting crazy. Check out this virtual screen. What could you do with it? Apps? Programs? Super Cool!
Social Media Manners- I added one; if you post on someone else’s wall and it’s deleted, don’t get mad, it’s their wall.
Prices will rise, lives will be lost, wars will be fought; over of this 1 vital element. Droughts are just the beginning
This is a super cool calculator. Shows the impact of Greenhouse Gas against other items. # trees planted for instance.
A bunch of great stats about the connection between Energy and Water. Energy is used in every step of the water supply.
Americans don’t really pay for water, its for delivery/disposal. Moving, pumping, treating uses10- 20% of all electricity
Did you know it can take 2 KWH to treat and transport only 1 gallon of water? So, saving water saves electricity.
Did you know it can take 2 KWH to treat and transport only 1 gallon of water? So, saving water saves electricity.
Doing a lot of research on the link between water and energy. Do you know how much electricity is needed to treat water?
You might want to check your computer. There is a Malware virus that may knock thousands off Internet on Monday.