If you’re looking to advertise on Faceb
If you’re looking to advertise on Facebook, here’s an interesting breakdown for how advertising works. http://ow.ly/nv1jm
If you’re looking to advertise on Facebook, here’s an interesting breakdown for how advertising works. http://ow.ly/nv1jm
Cenoplex is up for a SPIFFY award as the Best Communication Service. Great stuff is coming. SPIFFYS http://ow.ly/ns3QF
Looking for a good social media infographic and 100 Amazing Social Media Statistics. Here you go. http://ow.ly/nrNrC
Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? Google+? If you were a brand, which platform would you use? Which is most effective? http://ow.ly/nrN1k
This may help justify my “sleep till 7am” montra. I often feel guilty sleeping in, until I realize I worked till 2am http://ow.ly/nmLYf
Hmmm Or, Mmm How do you feel about drinking recycled sewer water? It’s all about Blue. http://www.MyBlueEarth.org. http://ow.ly/nkQKr
Social Security was never designed to be your sole retirement. It should have been called Social “Supplement”. http://ow.ly/nkQsw
Ford crushed their quarterly earnings. During the gov’t bail out, they didn’t accept money. I wonder how GM will do? http://ow.ly/nh7HF
Interesting new app. & as I’ve been saying a long time-Facebook is on the way out. Kids don’t want to sign in with it http://ow.ly/nh6AR
I can sum up the Internet Photo Sharing craze in 2 simple words. Narcissistic and Voyeuristic. That’s what drives it. http://ow.ly/n9Obt