When do Political Promises become Profes
When do Political Promises become Professional Perjury? Obama admin. knew millions could not keep health insurance. http://ow.ly/qgxXL
When do Political Promises become Professional Perjury? Obama admin. knew millions could not keep health insurance. http://ow.ly/qgxXL
Wow. Has Obama gone from Campaingner in Chief, to Liar in Chief? His answers seem to always be- It wasn’t me. http://ow.ly/qdsGv
Interesting political quiz. I am most curious, of the 19MM who have taken it, what the scatter gram would look like. http://ow.ly/pYYcP
Question of fairness? Laid off 2 weeks. Get unemployment AND back pay? I’d love a job like that in the real world. http://ow.ly/pYMu4
See; and there were those of you who thought Fox News only did negative stories. Ellen gives $10K to NH waitress. http://ow.ly/pYEjv
Ad Tech making a comeback? WIth new tools/platforms, easier than ever to get direct to Brands. A new wave is coming. http://ow.ly/pXCaz
Is this infringement? Article title is the SAME as the Book by Nolan (Atari) Bushnell. Finding the next Steve Jobs. http://ow.ly/pUK1T
Why Isolation is a Good Thing. The latest article in “Arc of Entrepreneurship- from Startup to Success”. Be Specific http://ow.ly/pUDCB
Obama is up espousing about how much people “missed” the Gov’t when it was shut down. I didn’t notice a thing? I’m wondering how many people were really affected and how over those two weeks?
The art of writing, being succinct, and telling a story is paramount in todays society. Here are some good tips. http://ow.ly/pTfjU