Facebook tried to beat WhatsApp, SnapCha
Facebook tried to beat WhatsApp, SnapChat & others.If you can’t beat em,buy em. What would it take for FB to buy you? http://ow.ly/JunoK
Facebook tried to beat WhatsApp, SnapChat & others.If you can’t beat em,buy em. What would it take for FB to buy you? http://ow.ly/JunoK
This car is pretty Amazing. I was standing there when they deliverd the car and drove it off. Pagani Huayra 730S http://ow.ly/Jm74E
Maybe Obama should take a line from Marvel’s The Avengers-Wars are not won with sentiment, they are won with soldiers http://ow.ly/J66VQ
Not often you see a Wii game comparison to being a great Entrepreneur. Yet,w/ the competitive nature,I totally get it http://ow.ly/IxUnd
Aha! Finally, a good excuse for why I get tired at 3pm. Interesting article though for when to get peak performance. http://ow.ly/Iw0p1
Overheard at Starbucks; I’ll take a Bacon Sandwich,hold the bacon. Huh? What is it then? Must be from the secret menu http://ow.ly/ImtuF