Typical Chicago Insider Politics. Just l
Typical Chicago Insider Politics. Just like Obama and Hillary learned. Talk a good game, then tax the little guy. http://ow.ly/b207302MmLg
Typical Chicago Insider Politics. Just like Obama and Hillary learned. Talk a good game, then tax the little guy. http://ow.ly/b207302MmLg
With the massive discord in politics- CNN should name itself the “Center” news network and go after the Angry Middle http://ow.ly/CUTX302DtCx
More dishonesty from MSNBC & political media. “Protestors in front of the “gates”? Huh? Gates? It’s an 8 foot WALL! http://ow.ly/gd5a302ALj4
Just a proffer. Is this payback? VA Gov. Mcauliffe grants 200K felons the right to vote. Clinton names VA Senator? http://ow.ly/RF0K302wGGv
Do you file this under the category of “oops”? Too much ice and temps below normal. http://ow.ly/YpgJ302rnXq