Day: March 15, 2020

Though I won’t be around, I’m just curious what travel will be like in 100 years? Will the future look back on sitting in an airplane for 16 hours, as we look back on stagecoach travel? Antiquated. Unimaginable.  Will there by hyper travel? Teleportation? Avitar travel? Hmmmmm

Talk about a crappy story and disservice to its readers.  Look at the alarmist headline. What would you want to know?  Me?  What does that mean for a Local Emergency? Do they answer that question at all? Provide guidance? Nothing. Total disgrace. 

A question about CV19? Should you buy surgical gloves to carry with you–especially for activities like filling your gas tank, or even shopping and touching items?  Would gloves work for sporting events and TV shows to High-Five? Business meetings for shaking hands? Just curious.

My Pro Travel Tip #4- I now carry masks and sanitizer with me in my computer bag.  Why? In case I’m sitting next to someone (whether on a plane, train, or coffee shop) who is sick, and or coughing- I can give THEM a mask (as a courtesy), and can put one on myself for protection.