Month: June 2020

The Four Layers of a Protest- The BullsEye Guy Podcast #42

I know this is wading into “sensitive” areas. But, I’ve always said, “I’m not Politically Correct, I’m Politically Direct”. This is my attempt to explain the different “layers” of a Protest. What is the difference between Peaceful and Angry? And, a program called S.T.O.P- which would help with police harassment. It’s all here on “The …

The Four Layers of a Protest- The BullsEye Guy Podcast #42 Read More »

My “Top Ten” Covid Tips. Shared again on “The BullsEye Guy” Podcast

With COVID cases on the rise again, I thought it would be a good time to share my “Top 10 Tips” for Corona. My motto is- Don’t be Scared, but be Prepared. Here are some simple things we can ALL do to help keep ourselves, and those around us, safer. It’s all here- The BullsEye …

My “Top Ten” Covid Tips. Shared again on “The BullsEye Guy” Podcast Read More »

Enjoyed a great call with the Legendary Vin Cerf.  This was set up by Zachary Todd and Moderated by Eric Schurenberg (Inc. Magazine).  And, it was fun seeing friends like Scott Elkins, Ralph Simon, and Ester Dyson joining in.

Hmmmm. From the world of “otherworldly” discoveries- here’s a real brain-twisting article. I tried to understand it. Can anyone simplify it? I just want to know if this means teleportation is within reach? :”)

I’m trying no to be political with this post.  But, I wanted to share my observations of the Layers of a Protest.  I’ve broken them down into Four Groups.  It would be good to start a direct conversation. Four Layers- 1- Peaceful Protestors, 2-Angry Protestors, 3- Group Think Mob, 4- Criminals and Organized Anarchy   

I was out today in Santa Monica trying to help with the clean-up. I was inspired by the people of all types, races, and ages there in a show of Neighborhood support. Swipe left for more. Click photos to enlarge. A few videos embedded. And, a way to get involved.