A fabulous interview with Guy Kawasaki, renowned evangelist and best-selling book author (Ep. #89)
Hey how are you?
All thoughts, things, inputs, and insights Blockchain, Crypto, NFT and Web3 related
I was on a panel years ago with Bankers who were complaining about the amount of energy Bitcoin uses. I turned to them and said, “Banks use more electricity than all of Bitcoin mining COMBINED!”. They looked at me stunned of course. My point was easy. If you look at all the lights left on …
I recall having dinner with Jordan Belfort over a year ago, and I explained this principle to him. Interesting to see it now in an article being credited to him as well. Low cap crypto is like penny stocks, says Wolf of Wall Street (cointelegraph.com)
What is the downside of Blockchain and stable coins? “Programmable Money”. If you were paid via direct deposit in Gov’t stable coins (it’s digital), they could control what you purchased and when. New Zealand to ban cigarette sales for future generations https://nbcnews.to/3ICDTuc