My BlueEarth- Environmental

It’s all about Blue. The fate of our consumers, companies, and countries are going to be contingent upon water. I know that environmental and “green” issues are big right now- but the future is all about water.

Bill Gates toilet obsession won’t make a difference in our lifetime

It’s been reported on many occasions that the Gates Foundation has created a fund for the “next generation” toilet. Of course, this seems noble in concept and principal. Not an article recently published regarding this; As I see it, here’s the problem. Even if….and that’s a big “IF” there were some great new technology …

Bill Gates toilet obsession won’t make a difference in our lifetime Read More »

Water is a growing global issue. Here is an article on how free isn’t always best.

Water is a growing global issue. Here is a great perspective the economic “cost” of water. Sometimes free isn’t the best This article outlines how free water; one where you have to wait in line, all day long, never knowing if or when the water may flow, is actually a limiting and debilitating way to love. …

Water is a growing global issue. Here is an article on how free isn’t always best. Read More »

Water is a growing global issue. Here is an article on how free isn’t always best.

Water is a growing global issue. Here is a great perspective the economic “cost” of water. Sometimes free isn’t the best This article outlines how free water; one where you have to wait in line, all day long, never knowing if or when the water may flow, is actually a limiting and debilitating way to love. …

Water is a growing global issue. Here is an article on how free isn’t always best. Read More »

Awareness builds Apathy; Action brings Achievement

I’m consistently more frustrated with the numerous organizations who state their goal is to “raise awareness” around an issue. I can realize there are many great causes the need a light shone on them. However, when does the point of awareness lead to apathy? There are many issues I am now aware of. This is …

Awareness builds Apathy; Action brings Achievement Read More »