Stephen Meade- The BullsEye Guy

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Donald Trump is “Blowing up” the Republican party–Not really.

Donald Trump is “Blowing up” the Republican party.

Note: The following is submitted for “debate”. This is not to pick sides, so if the comments degrade into name calling and mudslinging, please grow up and go somewhere else.

There are many articles about how Donald Trump is “Blowing up” the Republican party.

Well, let this be said–Donald Trump in NOT a Republican.

That’s right, Trump is not a Republican any more than Bernie Sanders was a Democrat. They are both insurgent outsiders.

Donald Trump is a Business Man running on a Republican ticket. His had no political capital with the Republican establishment. No chips to call in. No favors. As an outsider, there is little incentive for the current Republicans to support him. Further, his views on many issues don’t align with many in the establishment Republican Base. However, much of that base is clearly out of touch, out of alignment, or out of reality with what the “voting” Republican constituents want.

The same can be said about Bernie Sanders. He was an Independent running as a Democrat. If you didn’t have the shenanigans of the DNC, or collusion, or illegalities (depending how far you want to take it), the Democratic Election would be headed by a former Independent in Bernie. His views are also outside the main stream views of many in the Democratic Party.

Can you imagine if it had been a Bernie/Trump election?

Instead, we have Trump/Clinton.

For Trump and his followers, this entire election is driven by the insurgent candidate and the Angry Middle. There is no allegiance to the Republican party from Trump, and there is certainly no allegiance from Party to him. If you look at the Occupy Wall Street (Bernie movement) and the Tea Party (Trump movement), you could see the beginning of what is occurring.

The Tea Party was better organized early on, and thus had political sway over a few election cycles in getting more candidates elected. There was a desire for a dramatic change in Congress, especially as it related to many of the Obama Mandates. However, the elected Republicans didn’t uphold that vow, their promises, or the desires of the populous that put them in power.

There are many in the voters “Republican” party (and I use that term loosely simply because they are more Independent than Republican, but voted on that ticket) who still feel let down or disenfranchised by the Republican leadership. When Paul Ryan and his crew allowed so many of the Obama initiatives to go unabated, it only further fueled the anger, and thus the rise of the populous Trump movement.

If Occupy Wall Street had perhaps been more organized, there would have been a counterpoint to the efficiency of the Republicans gaining control of both the House and the Senate.

As it stands, many of the Republicans against Trump, were also in favor of amnesty (, so it stands to reason they would be against Trump, since his main stand is immigration.

But, rather than being forthright that they disagree with Trump on positions (which would expose them and their position) they appear to feign repulsion and indignity to the words that Trump says. The revolting Republicans try to claim some moral high ground, even though they took no such stand against indiscretions in their own party or even the alleged acts of Bill Clinton.

For now, when an establishment Republican disavows Donald Trump, that becomes even more energizing for the base of The Angry Middle (which used to be called the Silent Majority) and drives them to support Trump even more.

This group feels let down and doesn’t believe those in Congress have stood up for the issues they felt important.

Indeed, this same group of voters drove to the polls in record numbers to elect Trump.

The problem with that, for Trump at least, is the number of voting Americans in that group, while it may be enough to win a Republican primary, may not be enough to win a general election.

His best hope to win is one of two outcomes.

1- A large percentage of independents, evangelicals, and minorities continue to break for him—which may occur in light of more and more Hillary email releases.,


2- More likely in my opinion, is where the Silent Majority becomes the silent voter.

I wonder how many “voters” are out there who would never admit to voting for Trump. Not in public. Not to their friends. And certainly not to pollsters (that is if they are even part of the polled electorate).

If the current polls are this close, and both candidates are within the margin of error, what is the margin for the silent voter?

This will be the rise of The Angry Middle, and the revenge of the silent majority.

Again, for me, this is my observation, not an endorsement or prediction.

I hope this open up for dialogue. Trolls be damned.

January 2025
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